Engineering as Marketing is a particularly under-utilised channel, and it has proven to be quite valuable when executed properly. It’s under-utilized because it’s rather expensive and cannot fit the marketing or growth plans. Imaging a two-week iterations or experiments where development of a small project is in the critical path. It simply doesn’t fit, in terms of time nor in terms of budget.

That’s the problem we solve. Our team’s engineering skills can get your startup traction directly by building tools and resources that reach more people. We make useful tools like calculators, widgets, and educational micro-sites to get your company in front of potential customers. These tools generate leads and expand your customer base.

Your Marketing department asked you for a new way to manage user engagement, or asked you a quick way to capture a single-click feedback on an email. You have only two options and none will bring you the results you are looking for: a) to ask your engineering team to work in this marketing’s demand, b) to write specifications and submit this request through specialised sites such as PPH or and a third one: ask us via our form.

We add value in multiple cases but especially when you wanna:

  • Creation of Quick Prototypes
  • Engineering support for marketing experiments
  • Engineering support in automating feedback
  • Implementation of new digital assets or properties / microsites
  • Engineering solutions in converting customers
  • Transform a business need into a small digital asset

We are the engineering arm behind digital marketers or growth hackers

Companies We’ve Worked With

We work with various types of companies in all possible stages and verticals. We work with SAAS companies, Hardware Manufacturers or ecommerce startups.

What we do

We work with various types of companies in all possible stages and verticals. We work with SAAS companies, Hardware Manufacturers or ecommerce startups.

Web scrapping

aka Web Data Extraction, is the technique you would need to extract large amounts of data from websites to be used to compose email lists or data to utilize for outreaching


BOTs seem to be the next frontier in mobile services. They require no UI development, no space in your mobile device but most importantly, it doesn’t require an “expensive” downloads cost to engage with the customer. Thus, most brands are looking to build bots as their main but also as their supportive marketing strategy

Custom Referrals

There is nothing better or cheaper than word-of-month programs.  The key is that these are systematic, automatic, reliably run processes that you use to generate referral business versus “one off” individual efforts.


Nothing better from a smart quiz for your brand to go viral with. We don’t just prepare the quiz but also the copywrite and the flow around that. We can also integrate that with Referral Platforms or other tools.

Smart Content

In order for your content to go viral you need to deploy smart content streategies, such as dynamic sentiment analysis and more. Check and example here


Automations are about productivity. We automate things for you. By automations we mean everything about data integration, or flow automation i.e. every subscription to your slack channel. or bringing data together to get calculated decisions

We hand-craft Creative
Web Solutions with Solid Strategies
& Powerful Technologies.

Agencies using our services

Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking Agencies or virtual Accelerators we are in partnership with to deliver new digital assets and user engagement solutions

Few of our handcrafted digital assets

You can find a set of digital assets that are been used by customer globally to drive user engagement and smart traction